
LUDOS Asia preorder

Created by Lemery Games

Missed the Kickstarter? Preorders are still available for a limited time. LUDOS Asia is the 1st volume in a beautiful collection of handpicked ancient games that fit in your pocket. Featuring 4 two-player gems from Japan (Hasami Shogi), Mongolia (Jarmo), Nepal (Bagh Chal) and Korea (Yut). ⚠️During check-out your order total will be displayed, but your card will only be charged by BackerKit a few days later. 🛳️ For detailed info on shipping rates and taxes, please visit the 'Shipping' section on Kickstarter.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

7 months ago – Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 02:22:34 PM

Dear Backers,

After such an incredible campaign we are not even sure where to start, so please allow us to first just say: THANK YOU! 🥳

LUDOS Asia was our 4th project on Kickstarter, and we are more than grateful to you that we can continue bringing games into this world. Every time a campaign ends, we have mixed feelings. While we'll be here to answer all your questions and comments, we will certainly miss the daily interactions with you and the overall excitement of the campaign. On the other hand we are super happy to enter a new stage, which is the manufacturing of your games, and making sure they arrive at your doorsteps before Christmas. Now, it's been a while since our last live check in, so please accept a short thank you video from us, and some info about what's next 😉

What did we achieve together? 🌟

  • 🔝 Nr.1 trending project among all Kickstarter projects for 3 days😳🤩
  • 🫶 Project We Love badge by Kickstarter
  • 😇 3600+ Backers
  • 🥳 $130.000+ pledged
  • 📺 5400+ video views
  • 📩 200+ private messages
  • 💬 400+ comments
  • 🎁  4 Surprises revealed
  • 🧩  4 Puzzles solved by 300+ Backers

Pledge manager and add-ons 🛍️

Heads up everyone! We'll open the pledge manager in the middle of March, so you can finalise your orders, fill in your shipping details, and we can get manufacturing rolling the soonest possible! Stay tuned, as we'll announce the exact date for opening the pledge manager in about 2 weeks.


We have never increased shipping rates compared to what we communicate on the Kickstarter page, even if fulfilment companies increase their rates by the time games are shipped. Our intention is rather to get these costs down as much as possible with every campaign. Here is what we are going to do to be transparent, speed things up and to make sure you don't need to worry about any increases in shipping fees later: once we open the pledge manager and give you access, you'll already see the shipping fee (and applicable taxes) displayed for your Kickstarter pledge (based on the shipping table you saw on the campaign page). If you add any extra item(s) to your cart you'll also see shipping rate changes (if any) real time. We'll charge you for add-ons, shipping, and taxes altogether when the pledge manager closes, so you won't have to worry about any additional costs or increases in shipping rates.


If you checked the 'Shipping and taxes' section of the campaign page you probably saw that for the 'Pay-what-you-want' tier we offer 'untracked' shipping by default to make the games even more accessible by offering a cheaper shipping option. On the add-ons page of the pledge manager you'll have the option to add tracking for $3 (simply add the 'Add tracking' add-on to your cart). However, if you decide to get any other core game (any games from the LUDOS Asia collection, Chili Mafia Deluxe or Reviving Kathmandu Deluxe) with your 'Pay-what-you-want' pledge, we'll automatically add tracking to your shipping. In the latter case, please don't add the $3 add-on as your shipment will be tracked by default!

Please note we cannot take responsibility for any lost package if you decide not to add tracking to your 'Pay-what-you-want' pledge!

Game donations 😇

Did you know that using our own funds we will distribute 1555 games to underrepresented schools and communities in Asia? Thank you all for being a part of this. We'll be back with more details about this.

Progressive puzzle challenge 🧩

If you haven't already, you can still join the progressive puzzle challenge until the next Kickstarter update. To join the challenge, please read this update (which includes info on how to access all 4 puzzles). Stay tuned, as we'll make an official announcement about the results in the next update!

What's next for LUDOS? 👀

In the coming weeks we'll fully concentrate on making the pledge manager phase a pleasant experience for you and on kicking off manufacturing. We know that you are excited to learn more about the upcoming regions and the next games in the LUDOS collection, so we will also be working on those. One thing we can promise to you: You'll be the first to know about the next volume in the collection!

Missed the campaign? Late-pledge here!😉

Thank you again for everything. We can't wait to have LUDOS Asia manufactured and shipped to all of you in time for Christmas! We'll be back soon to announce the opening of the pledge manager. Meanwhile, we'd love to interact with you on other platforms too, where you'll have access to more behind-the-scenes content:

With Love,

The Lemery Games Team

FINAL COUNTDOWN! 🥁🔥 | Last puzzle | New token pack reveal 🌟
7 months ago – Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 10:18:42 AM

Hello LUDOS Backers,

The final days of the campaign have arrived, and we couldn't be more excited, busy, and grateful! So many amazing things happened in the past weeks, and we can't wait to spend the final countdown together with you all. Let's see what we cooked up for you this time 🥘 Here is a little teaser of your game collection:

LUDOS Asia close-up
LUDOS Asia close-up shots

Puzzle #4 🧩 - Kickstarter video

Ready for the final puzzle challenge? Let's go! (Don't forget to let us know what you think about the bonus question 🙊. Don't worry, if you get that wrong, it won't count towards your total. It's for a bonus point!)

Missed the previous puzzles? You can still join by completing the previous 3. You'll find all the information on how to complete the first 3 puzzles in this update.

Bonus Surprise 🌟

We've been busy behind the scenes preparing for the last surprise, which we are pleased to reveal to you today. Please welcome the Challenges of Asia mini expansion with die-cut tokens! An all new expansion with another exciting twist to these ancient games, which randomizes the effect of board spaces. Please check the comparison with the previously announced token pack below: 

⚠️Important note: the early bird token pack is now called Heroes of Asia mini expansion, and the booster pack received a new design from Livi. The Challenges of Asia mini expansion will be available in the pledge manager.

Rulebook languages 🇩🇪🇮🇹🇫🇷🇪🇸🇳🇱

Volunteers have already started working on the rulebook translations! Once finished, we'll work on the graphics, and gradually upload all 5 languages (German, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch) to the rulebook folder. Thank you very much again to all volunteers who are dedicating their time to this project, and making the games accessible to even more players around the world!

Excited?! Let's spread the word in these final days 📣

We're so thrilled to see your enthusiasm about LUDOS Asia, and would love it if you could help spread the word about the campaign in these final days! Here is how you can help:

Thank you again for everything. We'll be back again shortly after the campaign ends with some info about the pledge manager, manufacturing, shipping, and more. In the meantime, don't hesitate to keep the comments and questions coming, and let's all get ready for this campaign showdown! 🥁🤩

With Love,

The Lemery Games Team

Surprise #3 REVEALED🥁 | BONUS surprise | Puzzle #3 🧩 | Artists🧑‍🎨
7 months ago – Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 09:36:34 AM

Hello Everyone,

Time just flies. While there are only 10 days left from the Ludos: Asia campaign, we still have some great things lined up for you, starting with today's update!

Surprise #3 REVEALED!



Yes! There's going to be a 4th surprise. Stay tuned until the next update!

Puzzle #3 🧩 - Spot the difference

As we talk about the artists behind the LUDOS collection in this update, we thought we'd involve their work in this puzzle. Are you ready to look for a needle in a haystack? Or shall we say needles? Today's puzzle is to train your eyes and test your attention to detail. Take me to Puzzle #3! 

Still want to join the progressive puzzle challenge? It's never too late! Check out the previous Kickstarter update to complete Puzzle #1 and #2.

Game donations 😇

The LUDOS collection is not simply about publishing ancient games. It's also about preserving them for generations to come, and also to give back. Using our own funds, as of now we'll be making 1150 extra games (1 game for every second collection box backed), which will be distributed among underrepresented schools and communities in Asia. For Nepal, we will be working with Karkhana Samuha, who helped distribute games during our previous campaign. We are also talking to other organizations like Give2Asia to help with the distribution. If you also know any organization that could join this initiative, we'd be happy to involve them! 

Meet the Artists from Noppa 🧑‍🎨

We always love to credit the artists, who put their love and passion into our projects. Please accept this summary of the Ludos project from the main artists, Livi & Timi, from Noppa design:

When Krisztina and Tamas presented us the idea to redesign ancient games, we didn't think twice. Based on our previous experience with the Reviving Kathmandu campaign, LUDOS felt like our next love project.

ART DIRECTION. Since Bagh Chal had already been published by Lemery Games, it provided the design and art direction for the other 3 games in the collection. We started by laying down the following ground design rules to avoid chaos: geometric shapes, textured surfaces, dominantly red-green-turquoise colors.

GAMEPLAY. To get started, we first learned about the games and played them again and again. It was quite a liberating experience to play legally during working hours 😅

GAME BACKGROUND. The next step was to gather inspiration from the cultures of the countries represented in the collection, and translate them into visuals that fit the overall concept.

FUNCTIONALITY. In ancient times, games were played with simple tools, sticks, stones, and boards that were carved in stone or sand. For this very reason, it was challenging to transform such traditions into a modern, colorful and appealing style, without compromising on the functionality of the games, and keeping their authenticity.

COLORS. The vibrant colors of folk art stood the test of time, so choosing the color palette was the least challenging.

For each game, the biggest challenge was to modernize authentic symbols and patterns in a way that’s still clearly recognisable as the original. We struggled with this especially with Hasami Shogi and Yut.

THE GAMES. For Hasami Shogi, the inner pattern follows the lines of the map of ancient Japan just before the Edo period, and mimics rival clans from the battle of Nagashino. Clan crests were converted to a seamless pattern to decorate the battlefield, and the symbols on the tokens show the samurai helmets of the two rival clans. The layout of the War game and Positional game sides differ in colors and patterns: the Positional game board has a rather serene, natural feel to it, while the War game board side depicts a blood-soaked battlefield. The board design of Yut is inspired by Korean wooden temple carvings and colors, while the Jarmo board brings us patterns of carpets and folk costumes

LUDOS LOGO. A compass was the core idea for the LUDOS logo design, showing that the games in the collection will be from various parts of the world. This idea provided the overall design concept for the whole series. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Csaba for his help with the LUDOS logo design.

COLLECTOR'S BOX. The art on the Collection box had to be designed to bring a clear feeling of the Asian world, while also fitting in stylistically with all the games. We are also very grateful to Luca for her help with the Collector's box design.

We hope you will love the games as much as we loved designing them for you. Livi & Timi

Thank you everyone! We'll be back next week with another puzzle, to reveal the bonus surprise, and to get ready for the campaign showdown! In the meantime, we'll be here to answer all your questions and comments 🤗

With Love,

The Lemery Games Team

2nd SURPRISE🎁: New game modes! + Next puzzle: Scavenger hunt🕵️ + Tabletop Simulator
7 months ago – Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 07:16:21 AM

Hello Everyone,

Hope you had a great start to the week. We are back with some exciting news! First of all, please allow us to again express how grateful we are for your support in the Ludos: Asia campaign. You continuously amaze us with your curiosity, care and overall enthusiasm about this project. 🤗 Let's see what we have for you today!

Surprise #2 🎉

It's time to reveal the 2nd surprise we prepared: all 4 games will come with at least 1 extra game mode! Besides the traditional way of playing them you'll also get to experience some variants, which evolved over time.

  • Jarmo - the Polish Jasyr variant and the Legendary variant is included, where instead of scoring, your aim will be to be the first to infiltrate the enemy camp
  • Bagh Chal - an Indian variant is included that's played with fewer pieces
  • Yut - we included an exciting variant for 2 or 4 players where you race from opposite directions 
  • Hasami Shogi - a ware game variant is included.

Puzzle #2 🧩 - Valentine's Day scavenger hunt

From what we heard, you had a lot of fun completing Puzzle #1, and even found some of it quite challenging. With Valentine's Day around the corner, we thought we'd make the 2nd puzzle a little more thematic. Are you ready to read between the lines? Access Puzzle #2 below:

👉 Let's get this hunt started! 👈 (Hint: you'll find everything you need on the Kickstarter campaign page. If you find a question hard, feel free to ask about it in a comment. Please don't share any answers directly in the comments.)

ABOUT THE PROGRESSIVE PUZZLE CHALLENGE: Complete all 3 puzzles correctly and stay tuned for upcoming news about extra goodies. We will make an exciting announcement about this after the campaign 🎁 200 of you already joined the challenge. Let's go!

MISSED PUZZLE #1? You can still join the progressive puzzle challenge:



Let's play & meet online, shall we? 👋

We'd love to show you the games and chat! Join us this weekend to try out the games in the Ludos: Asia collection on Tabletop Simulator. Please join our Discord server, head over to the 'announcements' channel and vote for your preferred date and time. Hope to talk to you soon! (Please note that a Tabletop Simulator account is required to play the games. If you don't have one, please still feel free to join us for a chat!)

Rolling realm - Yut 👏

We are sure many of you are familiar with Rolling Realms roll-and-write game from Stonemaier Games. One of the beloved members of this Community (Mael from the Philippines) created a realm for one of the games in the Ludos: Asia collection - Yut! This initiative doesn't simply add a great fan realm, but also help introduce this 2000-year-old game to younger generations. Thank you so much Mael for your enthusiasm. You can all access the Yut Fan Realm on Boardgamegeek.

Thank you so much again for everything, and please keep the comments and questions coming. We are always here to answer them. Hope to chat with some of you this week on Discord. Take care everyone! ☺️

With Love,

The Lemery Games Team

MEET THE COMPONENTS! 🤩+ Game announcement 📣 + 1st surprise revealed 🎁
7 months ago – Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 09:21:54 AM

Hello Game Enthusiasts,

How is everyone?👋 Hope you are enjoying to be a part of this campaign as much as we do. We can't express enough how thrilled we are that so many of you joined us in this journey of exploring ancient games. Thank you so much! We are back already with a quick update to show you what the Ludos: Asia collection includes, how the components look like in real-life, how you'll be able to stack the Ludos collections on top of each other, and so on. Please accept this showcasing video about the Ludos: Asia prototype:

Ready for some progressive puzzles? 🧩

So you can all become familiar with the games in the Ludos: Asia collection a little more, and get your hands on some extra goodies, we created 3 fun puzzles for the next weeks that we invite you to complete. Answer all 3 correctly and stay tuned for upcoming news. We will make an exciting announcement about this after the campaign 😉🎁 (Note: please DON'T share your answer in the comments to allow everyone the fun of solving the puzzle! It's okay to ask questions if you are stuck.) 



Surprise 1 🎉

In the next few weeks we'll reveal all surprises that you can find under the 'Stretch goals' section of the campaign page. So here we go with the first one!

Rulebook translations ✏️

We hereby would like to thank all volunteers who applied for the translations of the games in the Ludos: Asia collection. We now closed the applications and getting ready for the translations. While there were more applicants than what we could accept, we really appreciate everyone's willingness to help and hope we'll be able to work together on one of our upcoming games with those who did not get the chance this time. Heads up Volunteers! We'll be in touch next week about the translations 🤝

Thank you very much again everyone. We already can't wait to deliver you the collection. Keep the questions and comments coming, we are always happy to get back to you. Until next time!

With Love,

The Lemery Games Team